Harworth Church of England Academy

Welcome to Snowy Owls.

Year 2

Our visit to Southwell Minster

On Thursday 20th June we went to Southwell Minster for the day to time travel around and learn more about the minster and the people who have been there. 

We completed 4 activities and each on helped us learn more about Christianity and different jobs people did. We enjoyed singing which is the job of the choir. We made stained glass windows and learnt about when the poor people sat on the benches to get a meal. We learnt about holy communion and we were lucky to take communion with Rev Jess on the alter of the Minster. We ate the wafer and pretended to take the wine. 

After lunch we spent time sketching the Minster and relaxing on a beautiful day.

We had such an amazing day and can't wait to go back.

Our favourite parts of the visit

"My favourite part was when we opened the Bible and explored the story of Creation."

"I enjoyed sketching the Minster." 

"All the schools came back together for a worship where we sang on our favourite new songs God goes with Us."

"My favourite part was looking at the smaller version of Southwell Minster, it was made with 3,000 match sticks."

"I liked it when my friends were given a golden candle from the Minster and we presented it to Ms Clowes for our alter at school." 

For our homework this week we are reflecting on this visit. Use the link below if you get stuck.


Welcome to Snowy Owls

Welcome back after a lovely Easter break and I hope you all had an amazing time. I can't believe after nearly two years our time is nearly done together but it's not over until we've had a fantastic summer term with so many exciting new topics to get started on including the legend of Robin Hood, all about beaches, islands and sustainability as well ferris wheel making and learning some classic British songs. 

As the warmer months are coming please can I remind you to pack a sunhat for your child with their name in it and a water bottle.

The children are working really hard on their handwriting and we have introduced cursive writing. Please find attached a document on how to form these letters in their homework as well. 

Cursive writing sheet. 

Homework and spellings are due in on Thursday and set on a Friday.

Spelling tests will be on Friday morning and children can practice their spellings via spelling frame weekly as well. 

Our P.E. day remains on Monday's and pupils should come in P.E. kit with earrings removed and long hair tied back.


Reading is a key part of school life and early reading is the start of a wonderful journey into discovering a whole new world of stories, facts and adventures.

We will be starting a new reading adventure with out very own snowy owl who will be coming home with your child to share a reading book of their choice with in a place of their choice. All we ask is that you snap a picture of your child reading with the owl and email it to school - look out for a text and the bag coming home very soon!

Remember every Tuesday we change our books as it is Choosy Tuesday - please return your reading for pleasure book to get a new one for the week to share with your family.

To support your child in their reading we encourage you to listen to them read as often as you can and make a note in their reading records on how they did.

Reading will be individual at the beginning or end of the term and all other reading will be in a guided group session.

More books for reading can be found here https://schoolreadinglist.co.uk/reading-lists-for-ks1-school-pupils/suggested-reading-list-year-2-pupils-ks1-age-6-7/ 

 If you have any questions or queries please get in touch via the school office.

Many thanks for your continued support

Mrs Potton

Photos of our learning journey so far...

Below are some helpful websites to support your child's learning:




Our author of the term is...Marcia Williams 



Our Artists of the term are...

Summer 1: Roy Lichtenstein – “My work isn’t about form. It’s about seeing. I’m excited about seeing things, and I’m interested in the way I think other people see things.”

Summer 2: Ruth Asawa – “I am interested in finding solutions to problems.”

Our Scientists of the term are...

Summer 1: Rachel Carson – “Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.”

Summer 2: Ole Kirk Christiansen – “Life is a gift, but it’s more than that. Life is a challenge.”


Our Sports People of the half term are...

Summer 1: Michael Jordan – “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.”

Summer 2: Virat Kohli – “I should play and enjoy the game and inspire the next generation.”

Our Composers of the term are...

Summer term 1 : Niccolo Paganini – “You are all artists.”

(Violin shoe story – kindness) 

Summer 2:

Ralph Vaughan Williams – “Music is the reaching out towards the utmost realities by any means of ordered sound.”


What can you find out about these special people?

What are we learning this term?

Here are our topics for this term:

English –.Katie Morag - Island Stories - Letter writing, descriptive writing followed by The Adventures of Robin Hood by Marcia Williams focusing on comic strips and newspaper articles. 

Our author is: Marcia Williams 

Maths –  Shape, fractions, money, time, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division. 

Science – Plants followed by Everyday Materials

Our scientists are Rachel Carson and Ole Kirk Christiansen

History – Sherwood Forest and the Legend of Robin Hood

Geography – Beaches, Islands and Sustainability 

Computing – Stop Motion animation followed by Scratch Jr.

Internet safety is covered each term.

Art – Sculpture and mixed media

Our artists are Roy Lichtenstein and Ruth Asawa 

Design and Technology – Mechanism: Ferris Wheel

Music – Musical Me followed by British Songs 

Our musicians are Niccolo Paganini and Ralph Vaughan Williams 

P.E. - REAL PE - Physical followed by REAL PE Health and Fitness

Our sports people are Michael Jordan and Virat Kohl

R.E – Belonging followed by a unit to explore God

PSHE – Economic Wellbeing followed by Safety and the Changing Body*. *Please note there will be an opportunity to view the resources being taught please see the newsletter shortly*


You can find a full overview of the year under the curriculum tab.

The school follows the National Curriculum 2014.

Please ask your child's teacher if you require any information.