Harworth Church of England Academy

Welcome to Elf Owls (Year 1)

Welcome to the Autumn Term.  There are lots of exciting topics to look forward to.  Here is what we will be learning during this half term.

Our Christian Value this term is...


Our author of the half term is...

Julia Donaldson

Have you read any of her books?

Our artist of the half term is...

Bridget Riley

“Focusing isn’t just an optical activity, it is also a mental one.” 

Our scientist of the half term is...

Henry Thoreau 

“All good things are wild and free.”

Our sports person of the half term is...

Jesse Owens

"Find the good. It’s all around you. Find it, showcase it and you’ll start believing in it."


Our composer of the half term is...

Hans Zimmer

“You’re going to fail a few times, because that is the only time you actually learn something." 

What can you find out about these special people?

Below are some helpful websites to support your child's learning:





Phonics is a key part of the Year 1 timetable and is a daily session.  We use the Twinkl scheme to teach phonics.

We will focus on phases 3 and 4 to begin with and move on to phase 5 by the end of the Autumn Term.

All children in Year 1 will take a phonics screening test in June. This is a standard test which takes place one to one and is made up of 40 words. 20 real words and 20 nonsense (pseudo) words. It is looking at how the children are able to segment and blend confidently.

Over the year the children will work on their phonics in class, one to one or at home for homework.

This screening is nothing to be worried about and the children will be fully prepared as we are able to use our phonics sessions to practice the skills required for the screening.  The sounds for each phase that we cover are above the title.

Useful phonics sites are www.phonics.play.com 

and www.phonicsbloom.com 

to support your child at home.



Reading is a key part of school life and early reading is the start of a wonderful journey into discovering a whole new world of stories, facts and adventures.

Every Tuesday we change our books as it is Choosy Tuesday - please return your reading for pleasure book to get a new one for the week to share with your family.

To support your child in their reading we encourage you to listen to them read as often as you can and make a note in their reading records on how they did.

If you would like to have more reading books for pleasure the link below is a great start to point you in the right direction as these are recommended reads for Year 1 pupils.


Recommended reading for Year 1 pupils



We follow the Big Maths scheme.  Each lesson starts with a CLIC session that involves mental maths skills. It is a quick 5 minute warm up that enables children to learn number facts to support their maths skills. Wider maths is taught after this session and includes topics such as shape, measure, data and fractions.

Just a reminder:

Homework and spellings will be set on a Friday.

These are to be handed in the following Thursday.

Spelling tests will be on a Friday morning.

Our P.E. day will continue to be a Monday.